Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Sustainable development in Sub-Saharan Africa: a pipedream, cliché or achievable aim?

Sustainable development for me personally has become one of those slogans that I’ve got so tired of hearing about. I’ve often wondered whether it was of any value to the people it was supposed to lift out of the cycle of deprivation and poverty. I have also wondered why African leaders do not work more progressively towards helping other countries in the region that are in crisis. We hear more about the frantic efforts of the international community than co-operation between the leaders for mutual benefit of the region.

Especially with respect to the current situation in the Horn of Africa, I’m of the opinion that there must be success stories about the attainment of food security that other African countries can share. I do understand that of course in this case there are more complex issues of conflict and a failed state to contend with. I do however feel that in order to address persistent African problems, there needs to be a joint ownership of the problems and a healthy measure of shared responsibility to work towards lasting solutions.

A few days ago, I stumbled on some information about CAADP (Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme) which is co-ordinated by NEPAD (New Partnership for Africa’s Development) via the UN FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation) website. To say I was pleasantly surprised is an understatement. I found out a few things about this initiative that I believe should be shared more widely. You see, if we’re talking about Africans taking a lead in solving African problems then we need to highlight concrete efforts to improve the livelihoods of people across the continent no matter how small they might appear to be at present. Inasmuch as we all agree that Rome was not built in a day and with the scale of the challenges, SSA needs to be seen NOT as a region just sitting around perpetually waiting for handouts.

Here are some things that I’ve found out about CAADP:
• CAADP is entirely African-led and African-owned and represents African leaders’ collective vision for agriculture in Africa on the basis that food insecurity and poverty is attributable to under-investment in agriculture and rural infrastructure
• The vision is for agricultural reform in Africa that aims for an average annual growth rate of 6% in agriculture by 2015 and increasing public investment in agriculture to 10% of national budgets per year
• Based on the 4 pillars of: land & water; market access; food supply and agriculture; the overarching goal is to eliminate hunger and reduce poverty through agriculture
(source: FAO/CAADP. www.nepad-caadp.net & www.fao.org )

Since the beginning of the current Horn of Africa crisis, $500,000 has been donated to the UNCHR by the African Union and the Special Emergency Assistance for Drought and Famine (source: FAO website)

I am of the opinion that development can only be sustainable if it is owned by the people it is meant for. Over the coming months, I do hope that more initiatives like this will be highlighted. These will then sow seeds of hope for this our resource-rich region.
Until next time…..

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