Wednesday, 6 January 2010


Happy new year to everyone....Has the year already begun to follow the expected pattern; more of the same old routines? If you are one of those who like to make new year resolutions, I hate to disappoint you and state that I haven’t got any bright new ideas for what you can include on that fantastic list of things you want to achieve. The problem with new year resolutions is that more often than not they are based on a whole lot of good intentions without the necessary grounding or foundation of realism.
I for one hope that with each passing day this year that I can put my time to productive use....Ok, maybe that looks like an ill-disguised resolution. I think not...You see I’ve got no grand plans to re-invent the wheel or conquer the universe; here’s to just hoping that I’m a better steward of the time and talents that I have at my disposal......Do let me know what you think...I sincerely wish you folks the best in 2010 and look forward to reading your comments in the coming months

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